This New All-Female Surf & Snow Documentary In Japan Looks Amazing

Photo: Way East

Photo: Way East

Last year pro snowboarder Aline Bock and freeskier Lena Stoffel went on adventure to the Norwegian island of Lofoten - to ride powder and waves. It was all captured in their mini documentary, Way North.

This autumn, they are releasing their new film called Way East - this time searching for surf and snow in Japan with filmmaker Mathias Kogel. They have just released the trailer and it looks GREAT!

Slashing through waist deep powder in Niseko before tugging on a wetsuit (plus hood and booties) to surf the icy-cold waves in the Sea of Japan.

The documentary not only looks an the adventurous side of Japan but also the reality of life since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in 2011.

I can't wait to watch the full film once it is released later this year.

Photo: Way East

Photo: Way East